Austin School's Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) courses utilise Cambridge science and computer curriculum standards. We focus on core competencies such as inquiry-based learning, technology application, academic expression and efficient collaboration, and incorporate subjects such as mathematics, history, music and others to facilitate project-based learning. We also focus on the intersection of mathematical sciences and natural history and humanities, and guide students to think about the relationship between humans and nature, technology and social ethics.


The math curriculum at Austin School is based on the Singapore and Chinese National math curriculum. Our math curriculum has the following three characteristics:


  1. Math education from a high standpoint: Learners develop long-term and global perspectives in math learning, rather than being limited to short-term tests. Teachers guide students to think like scientists considering open-ended and practical problems; paying more attention to the core ideas of math and the tools that run through the development of mathematical knowledge, creating a broader and denser knowledge network.
  2. Personalised learning supported by technology: The school's technology team works with teachers to establish a math learning platform, providing academic assessment, personal learning portfolios and learning resources. We use mastery-based assessment instead of traditional test scores, and students can choose personalised learning paths according to their level.
  3. Computational thinking: The math and computer courses at Austin School are highly integrated, and students can use more programming and CAD skills over paper-based exercises, deepening their understanding of knowledge, and use computers to practice statistics, data analysis, mathematical modelling and other application skills.