20 Jan, 2023

The title of the drama天問 (Heavenly Questions)

The title of the drama天問 (Heavenly Questions) is named after the famous Classical Chinese poetry by ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan 屈原in which Qu Yuan poses series of questions to heaven regarding ancient Chinese myths.

The drama starts off with a group of students who were inspired by their teachers to learn Chinese history from a new perspective, i.e., putting themselves into the lives of the historical figures and really get to know the lives of different key characters in depth. The drama featured the life of Qu Yuan, beginning from how he gained favoured from the emperor due to his wisdom and love of his country and finally framed by some cunning and corrupt ministers that make him went into exile twice from the state.

Despite the sadness and betrayal, Qu Yuan refused to abandon the state he served. He would rather die and remain pure than following the path of the corrupt ministers. He lamented to a nearby fisherman that “all the world is muddied with confusion, only I am pure! All men are drunk, and I alone am sober! For this I have been banished!” After reciting a poem “Encountering Sorrow,” he had written, he picked up a boulder and hurled himself into the river.

Qu Yuan is considered a hero because of his integrity and dedication to his work and country. Two thousand years ago, Qu Yuan pose a lot of questions to heaven, two thousand years later, his perseverance in pursing the truth still exist in the hearts of each of us.  The story of Qu Yuan taught us about integrity, loyalty, perseverance, curiosity as well as the perusal of truth and righteousness.

Ms. Tracy Ho (Executive Director) has performed in this Drama which was conducted by the “Centre of National History Education” Venue @ Hong Kong Polytechnic University. And our Austin school has provided a rehearsal venue for the participants.


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